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How to Have a Clean Bathroom in 1-2-3 Steps

How to Have a Clean Bathroom in 1-2-3 Steps
Cleaning the house takes a few skills to master.  However, cleaning a bathroom takes more than a few tricks and skills to make it freshly clean and healthy.  Follow these simple 1-2-3 steps to have a clean and dirt-free bathroom:
Get all things organized in the bathroom. The bathroom is usually the storage of bath towels, disinfectants, cleaning kits, and other toiletries. The more things that are places in such a small spaced area can make it look a little congested. Try to remove any clutters if there are any as this makes the bathroom look very untidy.  Too many things inside can also cause more germs and dust mites to multiply.  When there is only one toilet bowl in the bathroom (meaning there is no urinal that males can use to urinate), make sure that males urinate properly on the toilet bowl.  It would not hurt them if you inform them that urinating with the toilet requires a little "respect" and "hygiene".  Tell them that it is best if they wipe the toilet bowl seat for any urine spots left on it and immediately spray it with a disinfectant.  Have your bathroom cleaning kit available on the bathroom.  This will make it easier for the user to clean or sanitize the bathroom after use.
Having a clean bathroom would mean having a healthy and fresh home life.  And it only takes 1-2-3 steps to do it.
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